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Autumn Term

Welcome to the Reception class.

During the first part of the Autumn term we will be spent getting to know your child and finding out what really interests them. We will initially focus on the book ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell, but we will also look at Michael Rosen’s book ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt.’

Key information:

  • PE will take place on Mondays. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit.
  • Messy Play will take place on Thursdays.  Please bring messy play clothes, waterproofs and wellingtons.
  • Please label all clothes. 
  • Morning drop-off time is between 8:45am - 8.55am and pick-up time is 3:05 from the classroom.  Please let us know if someone different will be picking up your child.


Your child will receive a picture book to share at home. Please encourage them to retell the story in their own words. Once your child is blending sounds together to read words, they will get a reading book linked to their phonics knowledge. Please encourage your child to read; it really does make a difference to their progress! Books can be changed every Friday.

Class Dojo

We use the communication app ‘Class Dojo’ which enables you to ‘keep in touch’ with the class as I will be putting photos of our learning on the message board.  Please sign and return the user agreement.

 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us, you can email on  or message me via Tapestry or Class Dojo