Physical Education (P.E.)
We follow an exciting and ambitious curriculum from Reception to Year 6. Each topic has a question to focus the learning, which then has a set of steps towards a goal. The children's learning is also celebrated with specific outcomes at the end of each topic. For example, we might create exhibitions, perform plays or showcase work completed. Teachers plan for cross curricular opportunities in English and Maths wherever possible. The year is peppered with special days. These days provide pupils with an opportunity to examine a specific area in more detail, providing independent thinking and challenge.
Our Subject Leads work in teams so that they can share ideas and prepare and plan together for different subjects. Below is information for each group of subjects. For each of the subjects, we have developed our intent, implementation and impact statements to align with National Curriculum aims and with our school vision and aims. In that way, the curriculum on offer to our Saint John's pupils is specific and relevant to each of them, ensuring that we grow their learning from their diverse roots, challenging them to reach up and reach out and preparing them for their lives in our community and beyond.
At Saint John’s CE Primary School, we provide a safe and engaging environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities; this is essential for their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development. Christian values permeate our curriculum and are integral to ensuring that children support and encourage each other to achieve, recognising that caring for each other when playing - whilst also being competitive! - is an essential element of Physical Education. Our desire for children to be challenged as well as supported is also fundamental, whether that be in a personal or team context. We recognise that every child is different, so our curriculum is diverse, offering the opportunity for every child to discover a sport that they love and take this love of learning with them to secondary school and beyond. We intend for every child to leave Saint John’s with the skills that they will need to access physical activity in the wider community and to remain physically active for the rest of their lives.
At Saint John’s, all children from Reception to Year 6 receive two sessions of PE per week. We use GetSet4PE to support our planning, ensuring that our curriculum builds the fundamentals and enables our children to apply their skills and knowledge to a wide range of sports. Key knowledge and skills are mapped across each year group to ensure that knowledge is developed progressively. The children experience a wide range of sports and activities throughout their time at Saint John’s: this gives them the opportunity to apply their skills in different contexts and ultimately discover a sport that they love. Invasion games, striking and fielding games, net and wall games, gymnastics, dance, swimming, outdoor adventurous activity and athletics are all covered within this spiral curriculum, ensuring progression and sequencing in their learning. Our children experience challenge in a caring and supportive environment through participation in class activities and intra-school events, often as a culmination of their termly work but also in annual events such as Sports Day.
Alongside this, we offer extra-curricular activities, run by teachers and external coaches, that provide pupils with further opportunities to develop physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. Sporting clubs include: netball, football, cricket, judo, tennis and multi-skills. All of these provide children with the chance to share their talents, represent our school in competitions and provide pathways to sport within the community.
Our progressive curriculum ensures that every child has the opportunity to acquire and develop the fundamental knowledge and skills that they need to access a wide range of sports and physical activity. Children leaving Saint John’s should understand the important role that physical activity takes in keeping their body and mind healthy so that they are equipped to make good decisions in the future. We aspire for all our children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity, which hopefully means that exercise becomes an integral part of their future life outside of Saint John's.