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As the head teacher at Saint John's Primary School, may I extend a warm welcome to you and your family.

Saint John’s is a Church of England Primary School close to Cheltenham town centre and is linked to St. Luke’s Church. Our aim at school is to provide a secure, happy environment ‘where children flourish’, working in partnership with parents and carers. Our Christian values are central to our school's vision.

Our website may give you a small taster of our school life but we hope that, if you are interested in becoming part of our school community, you will be in touch on the phone or come and visit.

We very much look forward to meeting you and getting to know your child.

Mrs Victoria Beevers
Head Teacher

We post photographs and videos on our website, although many of our communications are through our school Dojo system. However, please see the Community section of the website for some past pictures and videos!

Information for families of children joining Reception in September 2024 - or at another time!

Gloucestershire County Council makes decisions about our intake into Reception; ultimately, we receive a list of those allocated to the school. However, we encourage families to visit the school, to help them decide whether this is the best environment for their child's learning, and the head teacher, Mrs Beevers, would be delighted to speak with you. As families make decisions, it can be useful to read about what is on offer in a school.

Individual tours are available for any family interested in joining Saint John's - either in Reception or at a different point in your child's education. Families will have the chance to look round the school and meet members of the leadership team. 

There is a great deal of information available on our website, particularly in the Curriculum - EYFS section, as well as the Class Pages section. 

In our Community section, you will see lots of photographs and videos showing exciting events we enjoy!  Your child will enjoy watching our children engage in many different activities.  Our Newsletters give a taster of the events we provide for our children as we aim for them to flourish. There is also a section called "Getting Ready for School" which gives some guidance to parents and carers about how to help prepare children for school.

Please see below our Saint John's Prospectus. 

However, we think the best way to find out about a school is to visit us and to ask our current families! Please be in touch if you would like to visit or if you have any questions. Please phone the office on 01242 523786 to book a time. 

Reception 2024

All families of pupils starting at Saint John's in Reception in September 2024 are invited to an event on Tuesday 18th June 2024 from 6-8pm.  This will provide an opportunity for you to see the school, meet key staff and get to know the families of those who will be starting in the same class.  We also give out important information about the start of the Autumn Term, so please do make it a priority to come!

We thought you might enjoy the following video as you prepare for starting school in September!

Please inform the office that you will be attending by emailing or phoning: or 01242 523786