Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Saint John’s Primary School we aim to provide learning which is appropriate to individual abilities, talent and personal qualities.
We work in partnership with children, parents and outside agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs.
We want to ensure that early intervention and appropriate support is in place to help individuals flourish and achieve their true potential.
If you find that you have any concerns about how your child is getting on at school, please contact their class teacher or our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) Debbie Kimber - so that we can discuss concerns and work together to support your child.
Contact details
- SENCo - dkimber@st-johns-pri.gloucs.sch.uk
- SEN Governor (Helen Roach) - hroach@st-johns-pri.gloucs.sch.uk
- Gloucestershire's Local SEND Offer - www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk