P.H.S.E. and R.S.E.
We follow an exciting and ambitious curriculum from Reception to Year 6. Each topic has a question to focus the learning, which then has a set of steps towards a goal. The children's learning is also celebrated with specific outcomes at the end of each topic. For example, we might create exhibitions, perform plays or showcase work completed. Teachers plan for cross curricular opportunities in English and Maths wherever possible. The year is peppered with special days. These days provide pupils with an opportunity to examine a specific area in more detail, providing independent thinking and challenge.
Our Subject Leads work in teams so that they can share ideas and prepare and plan together for different subjects. Below is information for each group of subjects. For each of the subjects, we have developed our intent, implementation and impact statements to align with National Curriculum aims and with our school vision and aims. In that way, the curriculum on offer to our Saint John's pupils is specific and relevant to each of them, ensuring that we grow their learning from their diverse roots, challenging them to reach up and reach out and preparing them for their lives in our community and beyond.
P.H.S.E stands for Physical, Social, Health Education
R.S.E stands for Relationships and Sex Education
At Saint John’s CE Primary School, our vision is for all our children to flourish and grow to become healthy, independent, responsible and caring members of the community and wider society. Personal, Social, Health Education is central to the educational entitlement of all children and, as a cross curricular dimension, permeates all aspects of life in school. PSHE and RSE education is an integral part of the whole curriculum and is also taught as a discreet subject from Reception through to Year 6.
The PSHE and RSE curriculum will enable the children to develop personally and socially and will give them the tools and confidence to tackle a variety of moral, social and cultural issues. It will encourage the children to develop their voice, identity and self-esteem while giving them the confidence become active citizens in a diverse society.
Our Christian vision and values are met and enhanced in this area of learning, and our PHSE and RSE curriculum celebrates diversity, teaches and encourages caring attitudes and behaviours, provides challenge and seeks to focus on reaching out to others in community.
We have a whole-school approach which means that we build on previous learning and teacher know what has gone before and what will follow.
Our curriculum recognises the need to engage both pupils and parents as much of this area of learning is impacted by children's experience and learning at home.
Finally, we see the need to address the impact of the pandemic for our children, knowing that the health and mental well-being of our whole school community has been affected.
For our PHSE and RSE curriculum, we use Coram Life Education's SCARF resources.
SCARF stands for:
Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.
SCARF is a framework consisting of planning, resources assessment, based online and constantly being updated. This programme of study meets all DfE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education and has also been mapped to the PSHE Association's Programme of Study. One of the gains of this particular set of resources is the focus on community, which aligns with our school aims, and the influence of the role of community and home life on children's choices. We aim to engage parents and carers in their child's learning and to build relationships which have a positive influence and are long-lasting.
PHSE and RSE are taught in a weekly or fortnightly lesson within the class and by the class teacher.
There are six themes which build over the year:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Differences
- Keeping Safe
- Rights and Respect
- Being my Best
- Growing and Changing
The children of Saint John's live in a diverse community and have a wide range of home backgrounds and experiences. Our aim is that our pupils leave primary school equipped to understand themselves and others in the varying contexts in which they will find themselves in the future and to be safe, caring, resilient individuals who are able to make affirming friendships and achieve wonderful things! We want them to flourish.